We are Grapevine.

We're a church in Madisonville, Kentucky that follows Jesus Christ as Lord, and joins God in the work he's doing here and throughout the world. We do this by proclaiming God's Word to the unsaved, reaching out to the world, and teaching the saved to serve.


As you enter the doors you will be welcomed by one of our volunteers. They’ll provide you with a bulletin that outlines our service, and things happening in the church. They can also answer any questions you have.


At Grapevine you’ll find people dressed every way: Jeans, Shorts, Dresses, and Suits. Dress in a manner comfortable for you and you won’t stand out.



Worship starts at 10:30am each Sunday, and the service lasts about an hour and fifteen minutes. Make sure to arrive early!



What to expect

Our Sunday services consist of two major portions: engaging, spirit-led musical worship, and authentic, accurate teaching. You’ll be greeted by a member of our hospitality team, after which you’ll find a seat. Feel free to sit anywhere, our seats aren’t assigned!

Worship will begin at 10:30am, and our service wraps up around 11:45


Any Questions that we haven’t answered?

Use the contact form to the right to reach out and we’ll get back to you, or give us a ring. We’d love to talk.



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